Our Services

We provide a wide range of services from urgent assistance to preventive care. Everything you need to be done with your tooth, can be done here at Zaytoon Dental.

Preventive Care

The modern pace of our urban life hits hard on our schedule. So it may easily bring undesirable consequences to the overall state of your oral health. Thus it is essential to take care of the oral hygiene. Of course, it must be done on par with doing regular general and preventative checkups with a dentist.

Restorative Solutions

Restorative Solutions is an essential part of our modern life. It may take care of purely aesthetic concerns of the patient (teeth whitening, straightening; etc…). Also, it may involve fixing teeth that were mechanically damaged or chipped off. Sometimes it involves Dental Filling and Bonding, which are quite simple dental procedures. Usually, they do not require numbing or any kind of anesthesia applied.

Cosmetic Solutions

Cosmetic dental care is an essential part of our modern life. It may take care of purely aesthetic concerns of the patient (teeth whitening, straightening; etc…). Also, it may involve fixing teeth that were mechanically damaged or chipped off. Sometimes it involves Dental Filling and Bonding, which are quite simple dental procedures.


Positioning is everything. Especially, when teeth and jaws are concerned. Misalignment of any of these two can lead to serious oral health consequences and difficulties. It can easily hazard your daily normal life. The orthodontics branch of Zaytoon Dental is here to help you! With things like braces, dental implants and other treatments, which will make your smile well proportioned, symmetric and naturally beautiful again! Diagnodent is an important part of our Orthodontics services.


A period of life from birth to the adolescence is probably the most important one with regard to a person’s health. This is a period when kids lose baby teeth. This is a period of life when oral hygiene may be breached by a child and cause an infection, disease or simply dental caries. Also, this is the critical time to implement any cosmetic, restorative or straightening decisions early on. With our welcoming atmosphere and our friendly team of professionals, your kid will love sitting in a dentist’s chair for once! It’s crucial to check Children’s Oral Health even more often, than the adults’ teeth.

Additional Treatments

When your oral health is concerned, solutions vary. There might be hundreds of different diseases, issues and treatments involved. So to sum up everything besides the main dental services we provide, we pulled up this additional treatments list. Just keep in mind, that there might be plenty of miscellaneous ways to approach your specific oral health case. So starting with an x-ray, dental implants and non-conventional side medications – we’ve got it all here… People’s dentistry issues may vary. That’s why we have a lot of non-conventional treatments.